Guilder by Brooklyn Tweed

$5.00 $16.00 Save $11

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“The classic cabled scarf is an iconic piece of knitwear with endless variation. It’s a leitmotif that I love playing with and am continuously inspired by. Guilder features a beautiful double-coin cable running up the center, flanked by heavy fishbone cables that mirror each other. Each end features a 2×2 ribbing that flows directly into the motifs without interruption, while the selvedges of the scarf combine a built-in 2-stitch I-cord with a column of 1×1 ribbing to create a clean and flat edge. The stitch patterns are reflected over a center detail so that the directional cable motifs look symmetrical when worn. The finished piece is a perfect textured accessory for bundling up on hook when not being worn.” – Jared Flood


Approximately 540 (615, 725) yards of worsted-weight wool yarn

4 (5, 6) skeins of Brooklyn Tweed Loft (100% American Targhee-Columbia Wool; 275 yards/50g) held double throughout
4 (5, 6) skeins of Brooklyn Tweed Shelter (100% American Targhee-Columbia Wool; 140 yards/50g) held single throughout


  • This is a physical pattern.
  • The stitch patterns in this scarf are charted only.
  • The sample shown here is photographed in Loft held double in Birdbook.