Queen of the Meadow Lip Balm


Available Now!

Have cracked, dry, and sore lips? Heal and protect your lips for a healthy smile with this wonderful Lip Balm. Soothe rough, dry, and chapped lips with this deeply moisturizing chapstick. Added bones: This lip balm is SPF 8, plant based, cruelty free, and sustainably made off grid.

How to use
Remove cover from tube, glide Lip Balm over your lips, smile. Repeat throughout your day as desired.

safflower oil*, sweet almond oil, raw wild crafted shea nut butter, pure unrefined beeswax, calendula extract*, vitamin E, essential oil blend of orange, lemon & petitgrain

Additional benefits (what Queen of the Meadow leaves out of their products)
- NO petroleum based preservatives
- NO synthetics, colors, or emulsifiers
- NO harsh chemicals
- NO alcohols

Please remember the tubes are recyclable.