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- Spinning Book
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- Thimble Ring
- Weaving Book
- Weaving Loom
- Wine Glass
- WPI Tool
- Yarn
- Yarn Bowl
- Yarn Swift
- Yarn Butler
Project type
- Amigurumi
Project Type
- Sock
- US 0 (2.00 mm)
- US 1 (2.25 mm)
- US 1.5 (2.50 mm)
- US 10 (6.00 mm)
- US 10 ½ (6.50 mm)
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- US 11 (8.00 mm)
- US 13 (9.00 mm)
- US 15 (10.00 mm)
- US 17 (12.00 mm)
- US 2 (2.75 mm)
- US 2.5 (3.00 mm)
- US 3 (3.25 mm)
- US 4 (3.50 mm)
- US 5 (3.75 mm)
- US 6 (4.00 mm)
- US 7 (4.5 mm)
- US 7 (4.50 mm)
- US 8 (5.00 mm)
- US 9 (5.50 mm)
- US B-1 (2.25 mm)
- US C-2 (2.75 mm)
- US D-3 (3.25 mm)
- US E-4 (3.50mm)
- US F (3.75 mm)
- US G-6 (4.00 mm)
- US H (5.00 mm)
- US I (5.25 mm)
- US I-9 (5.5 mm)
- US J (5.75 mm)
- US J-10 (6.00 mm)
- US K-10 ½ (6.5 mm)
- US L-11 (8.00 mm)
- Circular
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