Berroco Lanas Light Yarn Mini Pack


Only 1 left!

Color: Mini Pack 1 Twilight
Lanas Light mini pack monochrome colors
Lanas Light mini pack with autumnal yarn colors
Lanas Light mini pack with spring like colors
Lanas Light mini pack  with fall like colors
Yarn weight category: Sport

Berroco Lanas Light Mini Packs

The Lanas Light Mini Color Pack offers carefully selected color options, including six 25g / 96yd mini skeins of the popular Lanas Light yarn.

Ideal for adding vibrant pops of color, creating contrast, or incorporating playful stripes, these small skeins are a fantastic way to elevate your next project!

Each pack comes in a durable zipper pouch that can be used to store essentials or mini projects; it's a versatile addition to your crafting toolkit.

Colors included in each Mini Color Pack:

  • #1 Twilight: 7800 Snow Day, 78101 Fog, 78103 Stone, 78123 Cracked Pepper, 78136 Charcoal, 7845 Cast Iron
  • #2 Fall Forest: 7801 Cream, 78108 Spring Green, 78115 Lime Light, 78134 Evergreen, 78137 Chocolate, 78138 Currant
  • #3 Cool Beach: 78102 Steel Cut Oats, 78110 Grapefruit, 78118 Aquamarine, 78122 Tide, 78125 Lavender, 78130 Driftwood
  • #4 Warm Sunset: 78102 Steel Cut Oats, 78106 Tea Rose, 78109 Golden, 78116 Sandalwood, 78126 Cayenne, 78140 Black Cherry

QR Code for pattern suggestions inside the adorable bundle 

Click ‘Add to Project Bag’ and let the crafting magic commence!

If you need help figuring out how much yarn you need for a project or have any other questions, email us (, call (307-755-9276), or stop by the shop. We’re always happy to help!