Schoppel-Wolle: Woll-Schwestern or Wool Sisters Yarn


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Color: 2641 Annegret
2641 Annegret
2643 Babette
2645 Adelheid
2646 Berta
2648 Clara
2650 Clementine
2652 Brunhilde
2656 Carlotta
2662 Helena
2663 Charlotte
2664 Edda
Weight: Sport

All sisters have friends. With friends, you can create brilliant tone-on-tone color transitions. New from Schoppel

Schoppell Wolle’s Woll-Schwestern translated to Wool Sisters Yarn.

This 100% Virgin Merino Wool comes in a variety of colorways specifically designed to pair with 2 other "sister" yarns in the line. The resulting tone-on-tone color transitions are simply stunning. These complimentary hues are perfect for creating eye-catching finished fabrics, whether used together or on their own.

Schoppell Wolle's Woll-Schwestern yarn is a burst of life in yarn form. Its riot of colors is sure to inspire and delight fiber artists who love embracing the unexpected and watching their projects unfold stitch by stitch.

Thanks to the special Reggae felting technology, the yarn has a voluminous, yet lightweight structure that ensures a pleasant wearing comfort. From start to finish, every stitch with Schoppell Wolle's Woll-Schwestern is a chance to create something truly unique and exciting.

The "Wool Sisters" are the perfect choice for anyone looking for a high-quality, versatile, and aesthetically pleasing yarn for their handcraft projects. Be inspired by the variety and combination possibilities of the friendly colors and the outstanding quality and create unique, never-before-seen knit and crochet pieces.

Click ‘Add to Project Bag’ when you’re ready, and happy stitching!

Technical Specifications:
Fiber Content: 100% Virgin Merino Wool
Yarn Weight: Sport
Physical Weight: 50g
Yardage: 164 yards
Care: Hand Wash in Lukewarm Water, Dry Flat
Country of Origin: Wool from Argentina, Patagonia; Manufactured in Germany

If you need help figuring out how much yarn you need for a project or have any other questions, email us (, call (307-755-9276), or stop by the shop. We’re always happy to help!