Celebrate the Holidays with Cowgirl Yarn!
Lori Kirk
Welcome to the holiday season at Cowgirl Yarn! As we head into the end of 2021, we want to say thank you again for all of your support throughout the year. While 2021 has continued to be a bit unsettled, you’ve been there for us throughout it all! It’s your ongoing support that allows small businesses like Cowgirl Yarn to continue to grow and thrive!
As we approach the height of holiday shopping season, we’re asking that you find creative ways to support small businesses in your community. One way is to ask friends or family for a gift certificate to your favorite local business, or you can purchase one for them. If you’re not planning on shopping this year, you can support small businesses on social media by liking and sharing their posts among your network of friends and families or by leaving a positive review on their website, Google, or Facebook. When you shop with Cowgirl Yarn, you’ll receive our care and one-on-one attention in a way that you won’t likely see with national franchises, and we have so many things planned to help make your holiday shopping easy, stress-free, and most importantly, fun!
- First things first. Now is the perfect time to make sure you’re signed up for our email newsletter. Subscribers are the first to know about deals, promotions, and other holiday activities. Sign up at the bottom of any of our webpages, so you don’t miss out on everything we have planned.
- Pay attention this week for more information about our Holiday Wishlist contest. This year at Cowgirl Yarn, when you fill out a wishlist, you’ll be automatically entered for a chance to win a $100 Cowgirl Yarn gift card! We’ll share more details in our Tuesday email and on Facebook and Instagram, so stay tuned!
- But that’s not the only opportunity to win something amazing this season at Cowgirl Yarn! Between now and Christmas, you’ll have a chance to win a Shop Local gift basket and a separate opportunity to win a $60 gift card or class credit. We’ll be sharing more information about these contests in the coming weeks. The Shop Local gift baskets will also be available for purchase soon, and they’ll allow you to create a customized gift, while also supporting some of the other local businesses that we love.
- And don’t forget to check us out for a fun Black Friday deal!
- As always, we’ll be offering free holiday gift wrapping for both in-store and online orders.
- We’ll also be available for shopping by appointment. This gives you a way to shop while the store is closed to the public and is ideal for those especially worried about their safety and wellbeing. You can contact the store to set up an appointment. Just let us know, and we’ll work with you.
- We still offer curbside shopping and pickup if that’s your preference. You can use code HEALTHYPICKUP at checkout, and we’ll pull together your order and place it in one of the cubbies inside of the front door to minimize the number of people you come in contact with.
- We also offer free delivery within 15 miles of the shop, weather permitting.
- If we can help you put together a custom order or assist you in other ways, don’t hesitate to let us know. We appreciate all of you so much and treasure our community of fiber-loving friends. We hope to be here for you long into the future.
- And in all of this, we remain committed to keeping you safe and healthy. We continue to maintain COVID-related precautions including requiring masks for all of our staff and guests.
For you our customers, we’re pleased to be able to provide this high level of customer service and care. It’s our part of this relationship, and we’re thankful that you continue to let us serve you and the Laramie community. Thank you, and we hope that your holidays are joyful and full of love and warmth.
~ Lori & the Cowgirl Yarn Crew